Even though technically February is Cancer Awareness month for humans (well we made this assumption due to there being a Pet Cancer Awareness Month in May) we have decided to jump on the proverbial bandwagon and kind of hijack February 4th as World Cancer Day for Hounds as well as humans. We don't want to wait until May to share the info.
There is so much information out there and there will always be new and more research done. We try to lean towards the more natural options but always consult with your veterinary specialist regarding anything we mention. The one thing that continuously stares at us the more we learn is that there simply is not a "blanket"/"one-for-all" answer by means of any sort of therapy, holistic or otherwise. It depends on the dog which again reiterates why it is oh so important that you know your dog and know them well. If you don't then you will get completely overwhelmed if or when times get stressed and intense and you will struggle to separate your emotions from your fears and possibly make hasty decisions that aren't in the best interest of your pet but rather in the best interest of protecting your emotions. Please continue reading for several links to websites and videos we have found helpful in our journey to learn more about cancer as well as book suggestions. The Truth about Pet Cancer docu-seriesThis little (Actually, its HUGE) series we HIGHLY recommend. If you can afford to purchase it, do so, we doubt anyone would be disappointed. This is episode 1 to give you an idea. Treating Pet CancerWays to reduce your pet's cancer riskGood reading
Beagle in Mind would like to start a Dog Cancer Support GroupIf you have lost a dog to cancer, you have recently learnt that your dog has cancer or you would like to know more about dealing with a dog with cancer, please sign up below. We would like to start a world wide support group where Beagle Parents can support and learn from one another. Not just through yet another facebook group but through interaction. By seeing what sort of interest there is it will give us the indication of the direction we can take. We look forward to getting to know you. In loving memory of
Alternative healing articles and any other advice featured in this blog do not claim to replace any conventional veterinary treatment. This is an educational blog for Beagle owners to read about alternative options that we as Beagle owners have tried ourselves and seen positive outcomes. We do not post anything we have not experienced positively and will never endorse anything in which we do not believe through positive experience. Kinesiology and other healing modalities do not diagnose, cure or prescribe, as these activities are the prerogative of veterinarians. Kinesiology may provide a different, energy-based approach to allergy support, and potentially allow for a reduction in the use of corticosteroids. As a kinesiologist, I believe that allergies, just like other ailments, may have an emotional and/or mental aspect which is worth addressing. As such, this modality represents a valid complementary therapy to veterinary care. Categories